
I’m a Lurker, or at least i have been. But after Ages reading + using other blogs i’ve decided to start my own and share my stuff. I post occasionally on rpg.net and other sites.

This blog tends to come in waves. It started off with some C+ stuff, then got a few WFRP bits, then back to C+, then some 5E, and then a lot of 2d20. From the summer of 2021 I started adding a lot of Marvel Crisis Protocol content. Ideally there would be new stuff all the time, but I don’t always have the time to do it!

I own a lot more than i play. I have a lot of D&D 5E, 4E, Pathfinder 1e and 2e, Exalted, 40k, WFRP 2E and 3E, FATE, Savage Worlds, WOD, L5R, Cortex +, Shadowrun 5e, Star Wars and everything 2d20. I have played Pathfinder in the past, that was because of the awesome new Beginner Box. Played a bit of Shadowrun, Star Wars and Savage Worlds.  Play D&D 5E on and off. Bits of FATE. Currently I’m playing a lot of 2d20 and finally have a main minis game – MCP! (It was Guild Ball but SFG killed it).

My Wife and I love dice. A visit to our FLGS (Patriot Games, Sheffield) usually results in at least one new set of dice being Bought…I’ve lost track of how many. Plus a tonne of Dicemasters and Star wars Destiny dice now!

Please link this blog, add comments, send me feedback.

Thankyou and Enjoy



  1. Hey bud – I can’t find the valour of the ages fan-product you made anywhere. All the RPG/boardgame geek links are broken.

    1. valour of ages?? if you mean WFRP there’s some stuff on here for wood elves
      , but thats it

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