Fallout 2d20 RPG Scavenging 3: Scavenging Locations for your games

One of the key parts of the Fallout game and therefore the RPG is scavenging for Loot. Not a lot of this in the TV program, but I guess it’s not that exciting. But the core rulebook does a bad job of helping the GM with the neccesary tools to make scavenging work. It gives you the base rules, some random tables for the loot but misses some information on how you decide what’s in a location. There is nothing in the GM chapter, and although there is some more help in the GM toolkit even that still misses useful stuff. Even the adventures I have seen just have general loot tables and then a list of which loot you might find, and don’t follow the corebook info. Apparently the new Wanderers toolkit book has more and the Screen is helpful. But if you only have the Corebook, this should help you out. In this 3 part guide I will be looking at making scavenging more workable for the GM.

In this part 3 I will provide pre-made scavenging locations.

Here are the 4 I’ve shown in the previous articles:

And here are 12 new ones:

Hopefully that’s helpful. 16 locations, a mix of sizes, categories and degrees of search.

Here’s a link to the google sheets file i’ve been making these in:


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