Tag Archives: D&D

What have I been up to RPG wise?

So when I last wrote this blog a year ago I had started on some Marvel Multiverse stuff. I have played a game with some friends and their kids but that’s as far as that went. We finished out D&D rotating DM game before last summer. that is, I finished my story, Brian didn’t and […]

D&D 5e Horizon (Zero Dawn & Forbidden West) Thoughts

I just started playing Horizon Forbidden West and I’m loving it. And I’ve been thinking how it would quite well as a D&D game. So I had a look at other Horizon Zero Dawn references for D&D and I found a few monsters and a hunter subclass but that was about it. Someone was running […]

Legend of Vox Machina Part 1 Review

I’ve never reviewed a TV series before on here. I think I did a film once. It’s a gaming blog but since this is the show that got me back into D&D I figure it’s actually relevant. In case you don’t know Vox Machina is the name of the party in the first Critical Role […]

Co-Op D&D 5e Session 1

So we had worked out our World (not) and our characters and were ready to go (see here) The plan for the solo stuff was as follows: Use the Oracles from Ironsworn to get started and create locations (and NPCs) Use the Card system from Twilight 2000 (Free League version) to answer yes/no questions and […]

Co-Op D&D 5e Session 0

So having just started listening to Critical Role properly (Campaign 3 – I go between Youtube and Podcast) and watching the first 3 episodes of Legends of Vox Machina I’ve got the itch to play D&D. But we’ve just started a Tales from the Loop game, which has at least 3 more sessions to go […]

The State of D&D 5e in 2022

5e is basically the longest edition since 2e. 2e lasted 11 years (cos it was awesome!) 3e was updates to 3.5 after 3 years which then lasted 5 years 4e lasted 6 years 5e released in 2014. I was super excited when it released but my interest waned over the years. So what is the […]

D&D 5e Roll Dice for Bonuses Rule

So one thing that sort of bugs me about D&D (and any like game that uses a d20 for rolls and the other dice for damage) is that I have all these cool dice but I mostly only use the d20 and my damage dice. If you’re playing a non caster you might only get […]

Pathfinder Classes in D&D 5E

So one of things i really like about Pathfinder but don’t have in 5E is all the classes. Not so bothered about the archetypes. They are nice to have, but most are pointless or are just themes. Have statted most of the races i want, monsters are pretty easy to convert or re-skin and i […]

Golarion – Inner Sea overview

 Brief overview of the inner sea area of golarion (main area) The Inner sea region: countries in bold are in APs Avistan Absalom – island nation Andoran – Democratic freedom Brevoy – Feuding noble houses Cheliax – demon/devil controlled empire Druma – merchants religios paradise?? Galt – Constant revolution (france) Hold of Belkzen – orcs […]