Tag Archives: Scavenging

Fallout 2d20 RPG Scavenging 3: Scavenging Locations for your games

One of the key parts of the Fallout game and therefore the RPG is scavenging for Loot. Not a lot of this in the TV program, but I guess it’s not that exciting. But the core rulebook does a bad job of helping the GM with the neccesary tools to make scavenging work. It gives […]

Fallout 2d20 Scavenging 2: Creating locations

One of the key parts of the Fallout game and therefore the RPG is scavenging for Loot. Not a lot of this in the TV program, but I guess it’s not that exciting. But the core rulebook does a bad job of helping the GM with the neccesary tools to make scavenging work. It gives […]

Fallout RPG Scavenging 1: How is it meant to work?

One of the key parts of the Fallout game and therefore the RPG is scavenging for Loot. Not a lot of this in the TV program, but I guess it’s not that exciting. But the core rulebook does a bad job of helping the GM with the neccesary tools to make scavenging work. It gives […]