Tag Archives: Races

Horizon D&D 5e: Races, Carja and Banuk

So here’s the next 2 races from Zero Dawn. As in the previous post, gain +2 to one attribute and +1 to another. You can pick any, but the suggested attributes are listed below. It’s also worth pointing out that the traits may not seem equal, but Banuk would be frowned upon by most tribes […]

Horizon 5e: Races, Nora and Oseram

As mentioned in the original thoughts post, I was unsure about whether to just use backgrounds or to use races as well. Considering all PCs will be human, having the different tribes be different races makes some sense. We’ll start with the first 2, Nora and Oseram. Standard Horizon 5e race rules: I am assuming […]

D&D 5e Geniekin

Having read the other blood of books and ARG i was pretty excited by the prospect of blood of elementals. Shame it has very little new crunch, instead filling half the book with info on the planes. Anyway, i still think the geniekin races are great, especially for an arabian setting. So here are my […]