Guild Ball

Guild Ball Janky Tec, Hints, Tips, Tricks and Help  (GBJTHTTH)

Welcome to Guild Ball Janky Tec, Hints, Tips, Tricks and Help or (GBJTHTTH for [not] short)

I’m not exactly an expert GB player. I started in July ’17, have played in 4 tournaments as of end of feb ’18, and have more tournament wins than losses… My meta is pretty strong – it has Steve “Beaston” amongst others (0-5 against him). But I have played with a lot of guilds and played against all the guilds and have spent time just sitting down theory crafting bits and pieces.

So if you’re a GB God (like the aforementioned Steve) you won’t learn anything here, but if you’re starting out you might.

Alchemist Goal Scoring

Morticians Killing Game

Morticians Turn 1 goals

Guild Ball Write-ups


Guild Ball in General

My Guild Ball Journey

Which Guild? – help for picking a new guild for beginners