Monthly Archives: September 2021

MCP: Future Hulk review

Despite getting the card a while ago I have only just got around to doing this review. Current Hulk has issues. He has awful Power Economy and bad defenses. So he dies surprisingly easily. But you could just Ignore him at times as he didn’t have Power to do much more than move and attack […]

MCP: MORE jank

So I said in the last post there was even more jank for Defenders and cards, so let’s take a look. Mostly it’s because of this card: So Portals enables a lot of Jank. We can’t do all of it, but lets have a look at an F shape map (remember, B is a similar […]

MCP: The new Jank

So one of the issues/bonuses of the upcoming changes to crisis selection is that you either have to stop taking extracts with turn 1 plays or risk not having priority. But…what if instead of being worried about losing priority and a “centre point” extract, you have a plan to get another extract and still have […]

MCP: Random Crisis Protocol

So I previously did a quick look at the new crisis selection in my rule change breakdown (here). But I feel it needs a deeper look at. Clearly the main change is that with no choice any more of which of 2 you get you run the risk of having cards that are bad without […]

MCP: Green Goblin got upgrades!

So a week ago I wrote this post where I asked for a buff to Green Goblin (amongst others) and last night he was spoiled on stream! I posted this: Green goblin. Buff. I’m not as down on his Leadership as others, re-rolling a defense dice can be key. But I would remove the once per […]

MCP: Is it becoming too hard to make a roster?

There’s been rumblings and complaints that certain models need nerfing (by me, here and here) because they are a) too good and b) it means everybody plays them. The Season 6 Stats back this up as well (here). But maybe this constant picking of the same models isn’t just because they’re good, maybe it’s also […]

MCP: One Roster to rule them all, part 2

So after one short event in Stockport, my stats look like this: 2 affiliations down. So the plan goes something like this: 3rd October, Elysium Games, Play 2 games with Cabal and 2 with Dormammu 15th October, Friday night @ Element Games, Midnight Sons and Dormammu? 31st October, Showdown at Element, Midnight Sons (and Dormammu?) […]

MCP: Friday Night Madness

So Friday 17th was the 3rd Friday Night Marvel event at Element Games run by Tony Moore. Always a good time and doesn’t take up a day for a Marvel event (although involves driving over the mountains in traffic, and coming back near midnight). I used kind of a dumb Roster for this, having the […]

MCP: A look at TTS Season 6 Stats

TTS Season 6 is underway! Thanks to PC issues I won’t be taking part, but I have IRL events to go to in October and November so I’ll be ok! Xavier Protocols have published their normal stats post here and I thought I would take a look. Jacob at XP did the work, I’m just […]

MCP: One Roster to rule them all, part 1

So, prior to the Friday Night event on 17th September my Longshanks record looked like this: Ugh, those 18 games with A-Force were brutal, but not as brutal as the Cabal event. So My first Longshanks goal was getting the A-Force badge. And I managed that. So then I played Avengers because It was played […]

MCP: 3-Box Challenge Suggestions, part 2

My 3-Box challenge died a quick death. Having had PC issues in game 2 I played a “friendly” game against Jonah last week and the PC crashed AGAIN. At this point I decided I need to give up on playing TTS. So I game my round 3 opponent the win and dropped. (also no Season […]

MCP Podcasts

I remember when there was but one MCP podcast, but now there are loads! What’s the difference between them all? Well, quite a bit actually, unlike the old Guildball podcasts that were quite samey (including the one I was on). A lot of these Podcasts can be found at Across the Bifrost, So lets’s start […]

MCP: Magik card review

So Magik had her card spoiled at the weekend as well. I didn’t forget, other things got in the way. Limbo, weird aging, big swords… So a 3 threat assassin. She has a variable teleport-place which is cool, and something we hope to see on Nightcrawler. The Great: variable teleport is so cool. Always affordable […]

MCP: Buffs and Nerfs Continued

So yesterday I looked at a lot of the initial releases, up to about June 2020 and today I will see out the year. Will all these models be changed? Who Knows (other than AMG). They said something about 50 models, but whether that is changes to 50 models, or 50 models they looked and […]

MCP: Who gets Buffs and Nerfs?

Plenty of people don’t like the Buff/Nerf names, but If characters are getting updated, that’s the language that will be used. Since we know models are getting looked at I’m going to run through the first year or so of releases and see what might be coming! I’ll cover up to CP 26 (Transformers) in […]

MCP: Marvel Crisis Meltdown

So the last panel and a bunch of rule changes…let’s have a quick look Gems don’t take roster slots but are now fixed in your roster. Super bad for Black Order. Maybe bad for Loki and Strange. 👍 10 tactics cards in roster. Finally! Makes dual affiliation a thing and allows more character specific cards. […]

MCP: Rogue Card Review

Rogue was announced and spoiled! Here’s what i said in my Top-10 most wanted X-men post: “Classic Rogue please. Flight, super strength, bomber jacket. So hit hard and throw stuff. If she can steal powers, great, but I’d accept just draining power or stamina. And I know Gambit will also be in the box, so […]

MCP: Hulkbuster Card Review

So next up is the first card/s revealed at Mini Stravaganza; HulkBuster So a new type of character. No red side, but really the small version is the red side. But! You can turn back to the big side. Wasn’t expecting it to be a Leader. Or the second side to be so…weak. The Great: […]

MCP: Miss Marvel Review

So the 2nd card spoiled at Mini Stravaganza was Ms Marvel. I’m going to look at her before Hulkbuster because it requires a bit less time! So we have a size changer, but the big difference here is her 2nd side is size 4 and a massive base. The internet seems pretty divided so far; […]

MCP: Mini-Stravaganza wishes and Predictions

So the AMG Mini Stravaganza starts today so I thought I would do a little preview of my predictions and wishes and then see how spot on (or not) I was after! So Today we get a P2P live where they will show us Ms Marvel and Hulkbuster Iron Man. So that’s not a prediction, […]