Category CARPG


Rules are here, explanations here The main two things I want to go back to would be – did it do what I wanted on paper AND did it work as intended in play. Lets look back to an old article where I gave requirements for a LOL RPG to play, 7 months before I […]


Rules are here I thought it was a good idea to show the NPCs. First up some heroes: So Gwen has very good powers and is ok defensively but poor offensively outside of powers Vayne is a rare level 6 character. She’s very good in combat, especially against the right enemies Lucien was interesting because […]

CARPG – my LOL/Supers RPG – Explaining the rules

So the rules for CARPG are here. They are very Vague. Having written them 2 years ago its hard to remember what they are doing! So they need some explanation but also an insight into where the rules come from. I’ve covered attempts at LOL RPGs before here and here and here and finally here! […]

CARPG – my LOL/Supers RPG – The Rules

2 years ago I needed a system to run League of Legends and I wrote my own system. It was designed to be quick and player facing, so all rolls were made by the player. It was intended to run a League of Legends story, specifically ruination. And we were planning to play this in […]