Tag Archives: ttrpg


Rules are here, explanations here The main two things I want to go back to would be – did it do what I wanted on paper AND did it work as intended in play. Lets look back to an old article where I gave requirements for a LOL RPG to play, 7 months before I […]

CARPG – my LOL/Supers RPG – The Rules

2 years ago I needed a system to run League of Legends and I wrote my own system. It was designed to be quick and player facing, so all rolls were made by the player. It was intended to run a League of Legends story, specifically ruination. And we were planning to play this in […]

My RPG Setting idea?

For an upcoming episode of Fluff’n’Crunch (I’m thinking June) We discuss game ideas. This is related to our series of episodes looking at different RPG mechanics which we will then appy to our games. The problem is, I don’t have a game. I have inspirations and ideas I want in the game but they are […]